Essential Oils
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Note: The uses listed here are suggestions only! Please consult a health care professional before using any of our products.
AmberRelaxing, calming
AmyrisMay be used as a substitute for Sandalwood
AniseBronchitis and coughs, indigestion
BasilInsect bites, dyspepsia
Bay LeafFlatulence, colds
BergamotAcne, sore throat, anxiety
BirchFlavouring in root beer
CedarwoodDandruff, cystitis
Cinnamon BarkDo not apply to skin undiluted
CitronellaInsect repellent, headaches
Clary SageHigh blood pressure, migrane
Clove BudToothache
CypressOily skin, asthma
EucalyptusCongestion, headache
FennelCellultis, constipation
Fir NeedleArthritis, coughs
FrankincenseScars, laryngitis
GeraniumRingworm, stress
GingerFatique, motion sickness
GrapefruitOily skin, depression
LavendinSimilar to Lavender
LavenderSkin conditions, stress
LemonChillblains, high blood pressure
LemongrassInsect repellent, colitis
LimeSimilar to lemon
MugwortToxic, used as scent
MyrrhAthlete's foot
OrangeObesity, constipation
PatchouliFungal infections,impetigo
PeppermentHeartburn, nausea
RosemaryDandruff, muscle pain
SageUsed in cooking
Sandalwood, AustrailianBrochitis, nausea
SpearmintSimilar to peppermint
TangerineSimilar to orange
Tea TreeMost skin conditions
ThymeBruises and cuts
VetivertArthritis, insomnia
Ylang YlangAphrodesiac